Perfected through Pain

To walk upon the soft and sandy grounds of Eden’s fertile gardens that astound, my senses full of pleasures that abound of colors, shapes, and flavors, even sounds. But then I stumbled on to this old tree, whose fruit the Lord forbade for me to eat, for if I...

Becoming Faith

The Holy Spirit searches Earth until He finds someone to test their heart and will. He shows to man the works that God has done: Land and seas, plants and beasts, Man, moon and sun. Through times and seasons miracles abound, With laws and constants ruling as a crown....

Scriptures: TULIP

The sons of Adam born with spirit dead cannot receive the words that God has said. God’s ways and thoughts transcend what men can know: for glory, God has chosen certain souls. Christ only died for them He calls elect: but not for men ordained to wrath’s...

Fall of Man

The following narrative imagines the Fall of Man. Dramatic dialogue highlights the spiritual states that may have motivated the decision by Adam and Eve to sin.

The narrative begins after Eve speaks to the serpent. Eve runs to find Adam. Then the two of them run back to the middle of the garden, where they find the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve calls the trees the Good Tree and the Evil Tree. Adam and Eve discuss everything that happened. God narrates the action scenes.

When reading, I encourage you to think about the roles and responsibilities that God has assigned to husbands and wives. Consider what it means to serve as a help meet. Consider what it means to serve as a leader. Consider how one’s spiritual state affects one’s ability to honor God and serve others.

The Fall of Man, a narrative adapted from Genesis, chapters 2-3 KJV …