The following narrative imagines the Fall of Man. Dramatic dialogue highlights the spiritual states that may have motivated the decision by Adam and Eve to sin.

The narrative begins after Eve speaks to the serpent. Eve runs to find Adam. Then the two of them run back to the middle of the garden, where they find the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve calls the trees the Good Tree and the Evil Tree. Adam and Eve discuss everything that happened. God narrates the action scenes.

When reading, I encourage you to think about the roles and responsibilities that God has assigned to husbands and wives. Consider what it means to serve as a help meet. Consider what it means to serve as a leader. Consider how one’s spiritual state affects one’s ability to honor God and serve others.

I am fearfully aware that adapting the Word of God for dramatic effect poses risk. That said, even after memorizing Scripture, I believe we all attempt in our minds to apply the Word to our own experiences. This narrative grants you, the reader, insight into how I see the Fall of Man in my mind. I see myself in some of Adam’s behaviors. His failures remind me of my own shortcomings as a husband to my wife. These shortcomings motivate me to do better.

Please enjoy the dialogue. I hope it inspires you to dig deeper into the roles and responsibilities that God has assigned to you.

The Fall of Man, a narrative adapted from Genesis, chapters 2-3 KJV.

Adam, follow me to the Good Tree.
I need to show you something!

Sure, but why are you so excited?

Eve bolts into the trees, yelling “hurry up” …
Adam gets up and chases after her.
Once he reaches the middle of the garden,
Adam finds Eve standing next to the Tree of Life.
Eve waves Adam over …

Promise me something.


Promise that you’ll believe me.
You won’t want to, but I’m telling the truth.
You need to trust me.

Okay, what happened?

I was sitting right here enjoying the good fruit, when . . .

Wait! … What?
You were here!
Here at the Tree of Life?

I know you told me not to come here alone.
But I had to eat more of the Good Tree’s fruit.


You know why!
God’s warning about the Evil Tree upsets me.
I can’t believe we will die if we eat its little fruit.

So you’re eating the Good Tree’s fruit for fear of the Bad Tree’s fruit?

Stop it Adam.
You know what I mean.
What else might I do … to offend God?
I’m just trying to stay as healthy as possible.

Okay I get it.

Adam doesn’t get it,
But he goes along with Eve anyway.

So what happened?

Well I was just sitting here minding my own business.
Then the serpent called out to me from the Evil Tree.

What! … The serpent spoke to you?

Yeah, he was hanging from the branches of the Evil Tree.

Adam rolls his eyes, thinking to himself …
How does hanging from branches prove animals speak?
Adam can’t resist pushing this further.

Eve, I’ve named every single creature in the garden.
None of them speak.

Whatever, Adam!
I knew you wouldn’t believe me …
And I asked you to trust me.

Adam regrets pushing the issue.

Okay, I’m sorry.
So what did the serpent say?

He asked me …
“Hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden”?

I told him what God said …
“We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden,
God hath said, ‘Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die’.”

Hold on, Eve!
God never said, “neither shall ye touch it”.

Yes He did, you told me.

No. God never said that.
He said nothing about touching the fruit.

God specifically said …
“Thou shalt not eat of it:
For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”

Look Adam.
I don’t know why it matters exactly what God said.
All that matters is that He has threatened to kill us …

Come on Eve, that isn’t fair!
You’re just exaggerating things because you’re afraid of dying.

Of course I’m afraid of dying!
Aren’t you?

No, I’m not afraid.
Why should I be?

May I continue?
Must you criticize everything I say?

Adam senses Eve’s rising frustration.
He decides to be more accommodating.

I’m sorry, Eve.
Please continue.

Thank you.
After I told the serpent what God said …

He told me …
“Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof,
Then your eyes shall be opened,
And ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

Can you believe that, Adam?
I was so excited that I had to tell you.

Eve walks over to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Adam follows closely behind.

Look at this fruit.
It doesn’t look evil.
In fact, it looks good.

And … it’s a tree to be “desired to make one wise”.
Do you know what that means? …

Are you listening to me?
Aren’t you going to say something?

Adam remains silent while staring at the fruit.
But Eve can’t wait any longer …

If we eat this fruit, we will never suffer God’s judgment of death.
We can become gods with the wisdom to know good and evil.
We can even make our own rules.
We don’t have to be afraid anymore.

Before Adam responds, Eve picks the fruit and eats it.
Then she gives it to Adam, and he also eats it.
