Fall of Man

The following narrative imagines the Fall of Man. Dramatic dialogue highlights the spiritual states that may have motivated the decision by Adam and Eve to sin.

The narrative begins after Eve speaks to the serpent. Eve runs to find Adam. Then the two of them run back to the middle of the garden, where they find the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve calls the trees the Good Tree and the Evil Tree. Adam and Eve discuss everything that happened. God narrates the action scenes.

When reading, I encourage you to think about the roles and responsibilities that God has assigned to husbands and wives. Consider what it means to serve as a help meet. Consider what it means to serve as a leader. Consider how one’s spiritual state affects one’s ability to honor God and serve others.

The Fall of Man, a narrative adapted from Genesis, chapters 2-3 KJV …

Doctrines of Men

Do we believe our church communities have fully expounded the Word of God? . . . Do we believe we have fully explicated the details of Christian doctrine? . . . Do we believe there is nothing left to learn? . . . Or do we believe we shall never stop learning?

Suffering with Purpose

Who in their right mind would purposely suffer? After all, suffering causes pain, and pain should be avoided at all costs, right? Wrong, at least logically, for to denounce the purpose of suffering assumes the conclusion that suffering is bad. But is it?

Did you know that the mere existence of suffering is of our own making? That’s right, we all contribute to the causes of suffering. Moreover, depending on how we respond to suffering, we either exacerbate our pain or we experience a beautiful personal transformation.

This commentary identifies the origins of suffering and offers solutions to suffering with purpose.

If you repel at the thought of suffering without hope, this commentary is for you.