The power of the gospel breaks
Delusions based on lies;
And once the truth reveals itself,
It opens blinded eyes.

A humble man accepts the truth
The Word of God reveals,
And exercises saving faith
The Holy Spirit seals.

The man of pride rejects the truth
Whereby the Word convicts
Of lying sinful hating ways,
His conscience being pricked.

And so the man consoles himself
By lusting worldly gains
And binds himself more tightly
By the grip of Satan’s chains.

The Word of God has power to
Transform a wretch like me,
But once I learn the truth
I must repent of unbelief.

By mocking God for teaching me
The error of my ways,
My unbelief gets stronger that
It’s likely to remain.

The Bible calls it hardening,
The fruit of willful sin:
Defying truth with lies conceived
Entrenching pride therein.

When Christians preach to me about
Why Jesus had to die,
My face gets angry, eyes bug out,
And tongue speaks filthy lies.

It’s got so bad that now I spend
My time on Christian sites,
Defending my position
Just to prove that I am right.

To prove that I am right?
Oh my, oh my, oh my!

The choice is always up to me
To trust the Word or not;
But whatsoever choice I make,
My pride shall come to naught.

For if I shake my fist in pride
I shall be judged condemned,
Or with a humble spirit I
Shall bow to God instead.

The power of God’s Word prevails
By blessing or by curse;
The only question that remains
Is which choice I assert.
