When time on Earth came to an end
The Lord assembled unto him
The scattered flocks of faithful men,
And this is what he said to them:

Verily, verily, I say unto you
The manifold teachings you think are true
Belie the perfect word of truth;
So let’s resolve these many disputes.

He divided the flocks into different folds:
Jews from Gentiles respecting their roles,
Catholics from Protestants (buying lost souls),
Romans from Orthodox (over the pope),
And Calvin’s reformists for freedom to know.

And then he went unto every fold
To teach the meaning of truth foretold;
And when he finished teaching them,
He gathered the flocks back together again;
And this is what he related to them:

The way and the truth and the life, I bestow;
To be with the Father, through me you must go.
So, if you profess that your love is for real,
Then keep my commandments as I have revealed.

And this is the newest command I give you:
To love one another as I have loved you,
For the law and the prophets commanded this too,
Fulfilling the ultimate meaning of truth.

From then the flocks of faithful men
Never divided asunder again.
