Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are my personal views, which I offer to you as beliefs that are true, but I know for a fact, which is not in dispute, my beliefs, just like yours, may fall short of the truth.


Immutable spirit and infinite being;
Ever-present in sight, beyond space, perceives;
All-knowing in mind, beyond time, conceives;
All-mighty in word, beyond matter, achieves;
Is love beyond self, for His persons are three;
The God of all gods, without equal, supreme.


In the image and likeness of God was he made
With a spirit to learn what the Spirit portrays
And a flesh to discover the works of His grace.

Now the image is spirit and likeness is flesh,
An allusion to God who became one of men.

But the flesh is a complex of body and soul
With a body from dust of the ground as composed
And a soul to make sense of the world that he knows.

So the spirit sees conscience of Spiritual truths,
But the soul becomes conscious of natural cues,
And the body enables the soul to pursue
Any works that the spirit allows them to do.

For the conscience resolves to accuse or excuse
Every feeling the soul and the body construe;
So the spirit decides what the flesh will pursue,
Upholding man’s power and freedom to choose.


He was born of a virgin, as Scriptures attest,
To condemn all the sins, against men, to the flesh;
Though in flesh He was tempted, He never did sin
For His love was too great to betray all of them;
So He humbled Himself and made way to commend
His own body for them and His life for all men;
And by shedding His blood, He paid off their debt,
But after three days, He rose from the dead.

He was present with God from before time began
And created all things by His spoken commands;
He has power to save and has power to damn
For the Word is the truth and His judgments shall stand;
He’s the Alpha Omega, beginning and end,
The Lord of all lords, the Almighty I AM.

So who is this man from before time began?
He’s the spirit of God in the flesh of a man;
The Lord and Redeemer, the lion and lamb;
He paid for the sins of all men against men
And forgives unbelief if they only repent.

Truth and Lies

Whatsoever God teaches determines the truth
By defining the good and the evil things, too;
God’s word, and His works, show truth to all men,
So they understand what’s required of them.

Now God reveals truth using two different means:
By the one, universal, that all men receive,
Of His works in Creation that souls can perceive
And of Spiritual words that the spirit can see;
And a second, by Scripture, which many can read
But which only the humble discern what it means.

But lies contradict whatsoever is true
To cover the evil that liars pursue;
So good becomes evil, which then becomes good,
And light of the truth becomes deeply obscured.

But the witness of truth, God fiercely defends,
For whatever the soul or the spirit intends,
The outcome of goodness or evil depends
On the judgment of God, and what truth recommends.

Good and Evil

By determining outcomes, God rightly confirms
The good or the evil men’s choices have earned;
By comparing each outcome, a chooser can learn
If his spirit was faithful or whether it erred.

Abiding in truth brings a good thing, indeed,
But denying the truth makes an evil succeed;
God blesses with goodness all righteous beliefs
But curses with evil all sinister schemes;
So blessings and cursings combine to effect
The good or the evil God wants to project.

So goodness brings peaceful delights unto men,
But evil brings foolishness and discontent.

In the spirit and flesh (of the body and soul),
Men shall eat of the fruit of the seeds they have sown.

Faith and Sin

The faithful believe in the truth God bestows,
Including the good and the evil disclosed;
But sinners reject every truth they oppose
And communicate lies which they seek to impose.

So sinners disparage the truth God reveals,
Subverting its good and its evil ideals;
By rejecting the truth, which they know to be right,
A disquieted conscience arouses to fight.

When presumptuous spirits refuse to believe,
They are cursed with the foolishness of the naive;
And with lies and deceptions they blaspheme God’s name,
Subjecting God’s honor to slander and shame.

But believers put faith in the truth God reveals,
Defending its good and its evil ideals;
When the humble repent of their lying deceits,
The disquieted conscience returns to its peace.

For Spiritual truth is no longer obscured,
And the spirit renews to the peace of God’s word;
So with joyful thanksgiving they worship God’s name,
Giving glory to Him with resounding acclaim.

So by faith or by sin does the spirit declare
Every word that determines which works it shall bear.

Love and Hate

To love is to give for the good of another,
But hating is taking, though others may suffer.

And lovers effect what their faith has believed,
Producing good works, both in truth and by deed;
But haters perform what their sin guarantees,
Working transgressions that lusting conceives.

A spirit estranged from the truth of God’s word
Submits to the soul, to which it defers;
But the soul only knows what the body does tell,
Yet the body tells only what nature compels,
So the spirit and soul and the body excel
In hatred for others and lust for oneself.

But a spirit renewed to the truth of God’s word
Remasters the soul, to which it deferred;
And after the soul is regenerated,
The soul will perceive what’s required of it;
So the spirit and soul, now abiding in truth,
Can faithfully love as commanded to do.

So the faithful believe what they know to be true
With concomitant workings of love that ensue;
But sinners believe in a lie that’s untrue
With predictable workings of hateful pursuits.

So by loving or hating the flesh manifests
All the works of the words that the spirit attests.

Grace and Mercy

God’s grace gives a blessing when it’s undeserved,
But mercy forgives when a curse has been earned;
The Redeemer was gracious by paying for sins,
And the Lord offers mercy by pardoning them.

But payments and pardons oppose in effect,
Paradoxical means to resolve sinners’ debts;
So perhaps grace and mercy atone separate sins,
Like the sin against God and the sins against men.

Now consider the wisdom of what’s been achieved;
God resolves different sins using two separate means:
As Redeemer, He paid for all sins against men,
His grace was His life that He gave for all flesh;
And the Lord offers mercy for blasphemous creeds,
A pardon if spirits repent unbelief.

So for works of the flesh, done with hate against men,
God’s grace made atonement for all the condemned;
His flesh was the ransom that sanctified them.

But for words of the spirit and lies against Him,
God’s mercy atones if the liars repent;
With loving forbearance, He justifies them.

So atonement of men to God’s works and His word
Depends on God’s grace, and His mercy confirmed.

Life and Death

In the Garden of Eden before sin began,
The spirit and flesh worked together in man,
For life in the garden was righteous and true
And the spirit and flesh were united in truth.

But after men sinned and the curse took effect,
God’s curse of the ground made its way through all flesh;
And corruption of flesh, by its pleasures denied,
Made the union of spirit and flesh to divide.

From then until now every child who’s born
Would suffer destruction of flesh as a thorn,
For the curse of all men is in body of flesh,
A reminder that life comes from God, who begets.

But what about spiritual death, as supposed?
Are children born spiritually dead, as proposed?
Are men so unconscious to what God reveals
That His word and His works are completely concealed?

The Scriptures establish what every man knows;
The soul, of the flesh, may indulge or forgo
The temptation to sin, as it’s clearly disposed,
Depending on choices the spirit controls.

For beginning with Adam and Eve and the Fall,
The bodies of men have been cursed by default;
The progression of death has afflicted all flesh
With disease and dysfunction and other distress;
And so for this reason do many men sin
To restore the delights of the flesh once again.

But even though death has corrupted all flesh,
Free will of the spirit remains, nonetheless;
But whenever men choose to deny what is true,
The spirit departs from the peace of God’s truth;
And closer to death, the spirit descends
To torment of conscience, to which it’s condemned.

The nature of life and the nature of death
Impose their effects on the spirit and flesh;
And since the corruption of men in the Fall,
The destruction of flesh has afflicted them all;
But because men are made in the image of God,
There is life in the spirit, if truth they regard.

So in life men experience blessings conferred:
The spirit at peace with the truth of God’s words
And the flesh finding pleasure from all of His works.

But in death of the fool, all blessings subside:
His spirit in torment for trusting in lies;
His flesh, once destroyed, fulfills its demise;
And the grace of God’s word and His works, denied.

Heaven and Hell

Heaven’s alive, with both matter and space;
A creation of God, it’s an actual place.

It’s the place where believers forever reside:
The spirit at peace, for in truth it abides;
The soul finding pleasure in Heaven’s delights;
The spirit and soul, once divided, unite;
And the body, once cursed, now in glory, revived.

In Heaven, men serve in abundance of life
With a faith and a love in the pattern of Christ.

But Hell is deceased, in both matter and space;
It’s not a creation or actual place;
Instead it’s the making of fools, dispossessed,
Their spirits, made bare, disembodied of flesh.

On Earth, every fool shook his fist against God,
Deciding, themselves, which ideals to regard;
And so for their sins, done presumptuously,
God makes them like Him to defend their beliefs.

And since God is spirit, before time began,
Who created all things by His spoken commands,
Then all of the fools, who pretended as God,
Will be tested to do all the works God begot.

Their minds shall be opened to see all their thoughts
And every instruction God faithfully taught;
And then they’ll be left, with no matter or space,
To provide for themselves, with no help from God’s grace.

For them, this accounting will never end well,
For reasons the Scriptures already foretell;
The glory of God and the throne of the King
Shall never be given to creaturely beings.

So the Word passes judgment on blasphemous liars,
Consuming their lies with unquenchable fires;
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth forever
In the infinite darkness of burning Lake Fire;
And there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth
As the death of each spirit is rendered complete.

Back to Beginnings

So the Lord reveals truth so that all may believe
What’s required to live under blessings, replete;
But man and the woman transgressed what they knew,
So the Lord cursed their flesh to confirm what was true.

For the woman believed in the blasphemous lies
And dishonored the Word, His witness denied;
She also subverted the man’s leading role
By making him part of her godless revolt.

But the man kept his faith in the truth God prescribes;
He was never deceived by the blasphemous lies,
Yet he failed in his duty as head of his wife;
And when questioned by God for the thing he had done,
He shifted the blame to the woman he loved.

So the woman transgressed from presumptuous pride
For the rule of her God and the man she despised;
But the sin of the man was the ignorant type
For he chose not to sacrifice life for his wife.

But God is more faithful and loving than man;
His love never failed when death made demands;
So He sacrificed blood to atone for their sins:
For his sin against her and her sin against him.

God clothed them with coats that He made out of skins
To give rest to their efforts to cover their sin;
By forsaking dead works that they sewed out of leaves,
The man trusted that shedding of blood set him free;
And the woman repented her lying deceits,
So that God gave His pardon for her unbelief.

From that moment on, though afflicted in flesh,
With a body and soul, both accursed with distress,
The man and the woman learned love for another
By giving their life for the good of the other.

In Other Words

The Creator, by nature, is spirit and flesh;
He became one of men to redeem them from death;
In the image of spirit, He made men to know
All the words that the Spirit of God would bestow;
And He also made men in the likeness of flesh
To delight in the works that Creation presents
And to love one another as conscience attests.

So by faith men believe in the truth of God’s words
And by loving they do all the works He affirms;
But a sinner rejects all the words he has heard,
Showing hatred for others by works he prefers;
God blesses and curses to prove what is true,
Causing goodness or evil for choices men choose.

Of the billions and billions of men who have lived,
Not a person of them has committed no sin,
Except the Redeemer whose flesh is a man
But whose spirit is God from before time began;
And by shedding His blood for the sins of the flesh,
His death paid the debt for all sins against men.

But that’s only part of God’s work of salvation;
He also resolves unbeliever’s damnation;
Behold God’s forbearance as Lord of all lords,
Who prefers tender mercy to keeping of scores;
For every blasphemer who censors God’s words
And denies He created His marvelous works,
God offers a pardon if he would consent
To confess unbelief and then simply repent.

So God’s work of atonement is dually diverse:
To regenerate flesh to God’s wonderful works
And renewing of spirit to peace of His words.
